Learn more about pre-procedure and post-procedure care from the Highland Med Team below.
botox (botox, dysport)
+ Consider planning around events in case of bruising or swelling post procedure (although these do not always happen, it is a risk). We recommend two weeks before any event.
+ Avoid certain medications pre-procedure such as: blood thinning medications and medications that cause excessive bleeding, anti-inflammatory medications This list includes: blood thinners, ibuprofen, naproxen, Vitamin E, Omega 3, Gingko, Kava Kava, alcohol, garlic, etc.
+ Arrive at your appointment with clean skin, free of makeup or debri.
+ Get excited for your new confidence boost!
+ Do NOT massage, apply pressure, or wear a hat on the treated area for 6-8hrs after treatment since Botox may migrate to areas of undesirable effects.
+ Do NOT lie down for 4 hours after treatment. Also Do NOT lean forward, shower, cook over a hot stove.
+ Avoid yoga or other vigorous exercise activities, extensive sun or heat exposure, and alcoholic beverages for 24 hours after Botox treatment. This may cause temporary redness, swelling, itching, or increased bruising at the sites of the injection.
+ Avoid facials and saunas for 24 hours after treatment since this will decrease the chance of your blood pressure rising and thus decrease the chance of minor and temporary bruising. Avoid makeup for 12 hours.
+ Headaches are common. If you have a headache we recommend you avoid aspirin or aspirin containing products, as well as NSAIDS (ibuprofen, advil). You may opt instead to use Tylenol and/or cool compresses. If headaches continue or worsen, contact your provider.
+ Results of your treatment may take up to 14 days to take full effect although many people will recognize the benefits in 3-5 days after treatment.
+ Schedule your next appointment about 3-4 months after your treatment, and reach out to us if you need a touch-up!
+ Botox/Dysport is a temporary procedure. In most people the benefits of Botox last about 4-6 months. Sometimes a few wrinkles may start to return in 2-3months. The effectiveness of Botox will last longer with successive treatments.
dermal filler (lip filler, cheek filler, etc.)
+ Consider planning around events in case of bruising or swelling post procedure (although these do not always happen, it is a risk). We recommend two weeks before any event.
+ Avoid certain medications pre-procedure such as: blood thinning medications and medications that cause excessive bleeding, anti-inflammatory medications This list includes: blood thinners, ibuprofen, naproxen, Vitamin E, Omega 3, Gingko, Kava Kava, alcohol, garlic, etc.
+ Arrive at your appointment with clean skin, free of makeup or debri.
+ Get excited for your new confidence boost!
+ Minor redness, swelling and bruising following filler treatment may occur. Immediately contact our office if you experience excessive redness, swelling, bruising, discoloration, heat and/or pain in the area of injections. Also, contact our office if swelling lasts longer than 72 hours after your filler treatment.
+ To reduce swelling and bruising, please avoid alcohol consumption, extended sun exposure, vigorous exercise or becoming overheated for 24 hours following your filler treatment and until all side effects have completely resolved. You may take acetaminophen (tylenol) as needed for discomfort. Immediately report any discomforts that are more than minor.
+ It is important to stay hydrated, so drink plenty of fluids!
+ If you need to take medication for discomfort, try tylenol. We do not recommend using medications that thin the blood such as ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen.
+ You can expect swelling for a few days post-treatment, full recovery can be expected at 1-2 weeks.
+ Avoid strenuous exercise for 24-48 hours post procedure, as this can increase swelling and bruising and risk of filler migration.
+ Avoid smoking, this increases the risk for infection, and can move the product if it was placed in the lips or around the mouth.
+ Unless advised by your medical provider, avoid touching the treated area for 2-3 days. However, you may gently wash your face and apply makeup 6 hours after your filler treatment. Clean all make-up brushes, applicators and surfaces prior to application to prevent infection.
+ Sleep on your back for 3-4 nights to avoid migration o the filler into a different area of the face.
+ If you have a history of cold sores, you may break out after filler treatment. Please call our office if this occurs.
laser hair removal
+ Arrive at your appointment with clean skin, free of makeup or debri. If this is not possible, we will cleanse your skin prior to treatment
Shave the area being treated 1-2 days prior to your appointment. Hair should be about as long as a g ain of rice or shorter.
+ Avoid excessive sun exposure in the treatment areas one week prior to your laser hair removal treatment.
+ Get excited to decrease your razor use!
+ For 2-3 days cleanse with lukewarm water using gentle cleanser. Pat area dry. Avoid hot showers, hot tubs, saunas, swimming, strenuous exercises, tanning beds, tanning creams, and sprays until you finish your treatments
+ Avoid waxing, tweezing, bleaching or use of any topical hair removal products on treated areas until all treatments are completed. You may shave in between treatments
+ You may feel a sunburn sensation on the treatment areas, which should last a few hours post treatment, however some people feel these for a few days. If itching occurs, you may apply cold compress to that area.
+ You may apply makeup, skin care products and resume shaving to treated area after the all the redness subsides from your treatment. Remember to be gentle to the treated areas.
+ Avoid skin care products for 24 hours after treatment. Use a mild cleanser and water to cleanse the face for 24 hours after treatment. Avoid skin care products containing alcohol, as this may degrade the product used and cause decreased effectiveness.
+ Schedule your next appointment 4-6 weeks after your treatment.
+ It may take 3-4 weeks for the hairs from the treated area to fall out. Avoid picking or scratching the treated area.
+ Avoid exfoliating or using skincare with AHA, BHA, Retinol/Vitamin A, or Vitamin C for 4 days post treatment. Avoid exercising, using hot tubs, saunas, hot yoga for 24 hours.
+ Multiple treatments over a period of several months are required to achieve the desired results. We recommend maintenance yearly after the initial 5-7 sessions.
skin pen (microneedling)
24 hours prior your procedure:
+ Avoid excessive sun exposure
+ Stop using topical retinoids (Retin-A, vitamin A, or any products with retinol), and other acidic facial products such as Vitamin C, glycolic acid, etc.
+ If you are prone to cold sores or have a history of herpes infections, please let us know beforehand so we can treat you
+ If you have any open lesions or active flares/breakouts on the treatment area, microneedling should not be performed. We recommend treatment with our skin care products, and returning when it has cleared.
+ Patients must wait at least six months after completing Accutane (Isotretinoin) before a microneedling (SkinPen) treatment due to possible delayed wound healing and risk of forming of scar tissue
+ Wait 48 hours after using spray-tanning or self-tanning lotions before your procedure
+ Verify any additional questions and concerns with our nurse practitioner
+ Arrive to your appointment with clean skin, free of debri and makeup. We will also cleanse your skin when you arrive.
+ Unexpected complications can occur when products not safe for use post microneedling are applied post procedure
+ Only use luke warm water to cleanse your skin the night of your procedure. Do not go back to your regular regimen until skin is healed.
+ Avoid strenuous exercise, excessive perspiration, excessive blood flow and sweat, as these can cause excessive discomfort and irritation in the 72 hours following treatment
+ Avoid makeup for 24 hours post procedure.
+ Skinfuse LIFT HG (included with your treatment) may be applied the day of procedure for skin hydration. Reapply as needed up to 24 hours post procedure.
+ Avoid sun exposure as you cannot wear sunscreen for 24 hours post procedure. Continue to minimize sun exposure for 72 hours post procedure & wear your sunscreen!
+ Contact your esthetician or nurse practitioner at Highland Medical Aesthetics with any questions or concerns.
morpheus8 (radiofrequency microneedling)
24 hours prior your procedure:
+ Avoid excessive sun exposure
+ Stop using topical retinoids (Retin-A, vitamin A, or any products with retinol), and other acidic facial products such as Vitamin C, glycolic acid, etc.
+ If you are prone to cold sores or have a history of herpes infections, please let us know beforehand so we can treat you
+ If you have any open lesions or active flares/breakouts on the treatment area, microneedling should not be performed. We recommend treatment with our skin care products, and returning when it has cleared.
+ Patients must wait at least six months after completing Accutane (Isotretinoin) before a microneedling (SkinPen) treatment due to possible delayed wound healing and risk of forming of scar tissue
+ Wait 48 hours after using spray-tanning or self-tanning lotions before your procedure
+ Verify any additional questions and concerns with our nurse practitioner
+ Arrive to your appointment with clean skin, free of debri and makeup. We will also cleanse your skin when you arrive.
+ Immediately after treatment, most patients will experience redness for 1-3 days, however, for more aggressive treatments may last longer. Slight to moderate swelling and a mild sunburn sensation are also common post treatment and may last 1-3 days. Skin may crust, peel and itch for 2-7 days depending on treatment settings.
+ Apply the topical ointment provided by Highland for the first 24 hours. May apply makeup in 24-48 hours.
+ There are no restrictions on bathing, however we recommend using lukewarm water to wash treated area with gentle cleanser. Avoid scrubbing or trauma. Pat dry with clean towel.
+ Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation.
+ Use SPF 30+ with zinc oxide (mineral sunscreen) at all times after 24-48 hours.
+ Multiple treatments over a period of several months may be required to achieve the desired results. We recommend 3-5 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.
+ If using hydroquinone, retinol, or tretinoin post treatment, apply 4 days post treatment and stop using it 4 days prior to next treatment
+ Avoid skincare with AHA, BHA, Retinol, or Vitamin C for 5-7 days. Avoid exercising 24-48 hours
IPL (intense pulsed light)
24 hours prior your procedure:
+ Avoid excessive sun exposure
+ Stop using topical retinoids (Retin-A, vitamin A, or any products with retinol), and other acidic facial products such as Vitamin C, glycolic acid, etc.
+ Arrive at your appointment with clean skin, free of makeup or debri. If this is not possible, we will cleanse your skin prior to treatment
+ Avoid excessive sun exposure in the treatment areas one week prior to your IPL treatment.
+ Get excited for your new glow!
+ IPL causes aging brown spots/sun damage to darken and eventually flake off. Do not pick at these areas or exfoliate until the flakes are ready to come off. This can cause risk of hypopigmentation. Redness is expected post treatment.
+ Remember to hydrate! Drink water and keep your skin moisturized.
+ You may apply makeup after the all the redness subsides from your treatment.
+ Wash the treated area with a gentle cleanser using lukewarm water and pat dry with a clean towel.
+ Avoid exfoliating or using skincare with AHA, BHA, Retinol/tretinoin, Vitamin C, or hydroquinone for 4 days. Avoid exercising, using hot tubs, saunas, hot yoga for 24 hours.
+ Multiple treatments over a period of several months may be required to achieve the desired results.
+ Immediately after treatment, you may experience temporary irritation, skin tightness, or redness. These are normal reactions that typically resolve within 24-48 hr depending on skin sensitivity.
+ You may wash your face the next morning using gentle cleanser.
+ Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation, sunburn, or sun damage. Use a minimum of SPF 30 sunscreen
+ Aggressive exfoliation, waxing and products with acids (AHA, BHA etc) should be avoided in the treated area for a minimum of 4 days pre- and post-treatment
+ Avoid the use of Retin-A, Retinol, glycolic acid, enzymes, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid products 48 hours pre- and post-treatment
+ Avoid chemical peels or laser treatments for at least 2 weeks pre- and post treatment
+ Avoid tanning beds and smoking.
+ Monthly hydrafacials produce the best results!
forma (non-surgical skin tightening)
24 hours prior your procedure:
+ Avoid excessive sun exposure
+ Stop using topical retinoids (Retin-A, vitamin A, or any products with retinol), and other acidic facial products such as Vitamin C, glycolic acid, etc.
+ Arrive at your appointment with clean skin, free of makeup or debri. If this is not possible, we will cleanse your skin prior to treatment
+ Avoid excessive sun exposure in the treatment areas one week prior to your Forma treatment.
+ Immediately after treatment, most patients will experience redness and swelling for a few hours
+ Treated area is ok to moisturize. Make up may be applied immediately
+ Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation.
+ Multiple treatments over a period of several months may be required to achieve the desired response.
+ If using HQ or retinol post treatment, apply 4 days post treatment and stop using it 4 days prior to next treatment
+ Avoid skincare with AHA, BHA, Retinol, or Vitamin C for 5-7 days. Avoid exercising 24-48 hours
+ Forma works best doing 4-6 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart. It can also be done 24 hours prior to an event for skin tightening.
sculptra (collagen stimulator)
+ Consider planning around events in case of bruising or swelling post procedure (although these do not always happen, it is a risk). We recommend two weeks before any event.
+ Avoid certain medications pre-procedure such as: blood thinning medications and medications that cause excessive bleeding, anti-inflammatory medications This list includes: blood thinners, ibuprofen, naproxen, Vitamin E, Omega 3, Gingko, Kava Kava, alcohol, garlic, etc.
+ Arrive at your appointment with clean skin, free of makeup or debri.
+ You may take Acetaminophen (Tylenol) if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort
+ Massage the areas in an upward motion 5 times a day, for 5 minutes each time, for 5 days after treatment
+ After treatment there will be moderate swelling and redness with possibility of bruising. These symptoms will resolve in about 7 days. You may apply or take Arnica tablets to help decrease the amount of bruising
+ Avoid extended UV exposure until any redness/swelling has subsided. Apply SPF 30 or greater.
+ Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours to reduce bruising. You may resume other normal activities and routines immediately.
+ Avoid laser, IPL, or skin tightening treatments of the area for at least 2-3 weeks
+ You may continue your topical skin care products 24 hours after injection (tretinoin, retin-a, retinol, hydroquinone, benzoyl peroxide)
lash lift & tint
24 hours prior your procedure:
+ Avoid excessive sun exposure
+ Ensure lashes are clean and free of makeup.
+ We recommend waiting at least 4-6 weeks between treatments
+ Do not expose your lashes to excess hot water or steam for a minimum of 24 hours
+ Do not apply anything on eye lashes for 24 hours (No serums, lash shampoo, oil based products, or make up remover)
+ Do not pick at or rub your lashes
+ Try to sleep on your back for the first 48 hours. If you sleep on your side or back it may affect the shape of your lashes
+ Mascara can be used after 24 hours; waterproof is not recommended
+ We recommend scheduling lash lifts every 6-8 weeks or once lashes are no longer curled